Annandale North Public School

Strive to Excel

Telephone02 9660 3972


Language study allows students to develop communication skills, learn about languages as systems and explore the relationship between language and culture. Students engage with the linguistic and cultural diversity of societies and reflect on their understanding of social interactions.

Manadarin program aims

The Manadarin language program at Annandale North Public School aims to provide students with learning experiences that enable them to:

  • develop communication and literacy skills
  • focus on language as a system
  • discover the relationship between language and culture
  • participate in a wide variety of learning experiences as part of an integrated.  

Program approach

The study of Manadarin is to enable students to develop communication skills, focus on languages as systems and gain insights into the relationship between language and culture, leading to lifelong personal, educational and vocational benefits.

The study of the Manadarin language and culture offers insights into the development of Eastern civilisations. It enables learners to gain access to China's rich cultural, historical, artistic and literary contributions to the global community.

Rationale for learning Manadarin

The study of languages provides opportunities for students to become more accepting of diversity, more respectful of others and more aware of their place in the international community.

Moving between countries, cultures and languages has become more commonplace because of globalisation, increased ease of travel and advanced information and communication technologies. High quality education in languages enables students to respond positively to the opportunities and challenges of their rapidly changing world.

Contemporary research and practice have established a clear link between the learning of languages and improved literacy skills for both background speakers and second language learners. Even limited experience of the learning of languages is shown to increase metalinguistic awareness and enhance general cognitive development.

The rich linguistic and cultural diversity of NSW, to which Mandarin-speaking communities contribute significantly, provides an educational environment where the study of other languages and cultures is valued as a unique and integral part of the Kindergarten to Year 10 curriculum. The satisfaction of engaging with the study of Mandarin and of developing communication skills in the language will contribute to a student's intellectual enrichment. The study of the Mandarin language and culture offers insights into the development of western civilisations. It enables learners to gain access to China's rich cultural, historical, artistic and literary contributions to the global community.

Students will develop knowledge of the culture of Manadarin-speaking communities and an understanding of the interdependence of language and culture, thereby encouraging reflection on their own cultural heritage.


The study of Mandarin enables students to develop communication skills, focus on languages as systems and gain insights into the relationship between language and culture, leading to lifelong personal, educational and vocational benefits.

Objective 1 — using language

Students will develop the knowledge, understanding and the listening, reading, speaking and writing skills necessary for effective interaction in Mandarin.

Objective 2 — making linguistic connections

Students will explore the nature of languages as systems by making comparisons between Mandarin and English, leading to an appreciation of the correct application of linguistic structures and vocabulary.

Objective 3 — moving between cultures

Students will develop knowledge of the culture of Mandarin-speaking communities and an understanding of the interdependence of language and culture.

Content studied

The study of languages in is a component of human society and its environment (HSIE) key learning area and consists of a core element and an optional element. The core element is embedded in the cultures outcomes and focuses on learning about the language and learning about the world through the language. The optional component focuses on learning to use language to communicate.

Cross curriculum content

Cross Curriculum content is incorporated in the Mandarin program in the following ways:

  • information and communication technologies (ICT).

ICT skills to be learnt and developed:

  • using text, sound and images to design presentations in order to enhance the development of speaking and writing skills in Italian
  • using word processing skills to produce texts
  • using the software packages to cater for individual learning needs
  • using photo story and moviemaker software packages to make their learning meaningful.

Other cross-curriculum content

Literacy, numeracy, multiculturalism, work, employment and enterprise, civic and citizenship, difference and diversity and gender equity.

Learning experiences

Annandale North Public School students participate in a wide variety of language and cultural activities that include:

  • singing and dancing
  • mixed media arts and craft
  • interactive smart board
  • drama/role plays
  • excurions / incursions
  • intercultural learning
  • Chinese identity and history
  • story books
  • multimedia
  • cooking.